Friday, February 14, 2014



“Buy MY idea!”  I have discovered there are two kinds of truth.  Truth that rings true to the heart, mind and soul, all together --- and --- there is truth that is being sold to whoever does not take the time to think about it.  One of the most significant times in my life, that woke me up and taught be to be careful of all the “voices” shouting into my mind, was when I began to raise my first child.   I read books full of new ideas and listened to the advice of others.  What I discovered was that some of the old ideas that have “rung true to the heart” for ages were being sacrificed at great “cost.”  Since old ideas don’t sell anymore, people are coming up with new ideas that, sometimes, make no sense at all and are completely out of harmony with what we know to be true in our heart.  God gave every man that is on the earth the means to know for themselves what is true.  It takes a minute, a quiet minute, to figure it out, but it can be done, it needs to be done.  I once read a magazine article written by man, who had many impressive degrees accompanying his name, present his beautifully written argument that “miracles have ceased on the earth.”  When I read that I knew it was untrue.  I knew it immediately because I, like everyone else in the world, have a spirit within me that allows me a way to decipher.  My own life, which is filled with endless miracles every single day, spoke much louder to me than the evidences presented by this scholar of theology. The age of information is a marvelous age to live in.  If we are careful, we can participate in the great enlightenments that are available.  If we are going to “buy” into it, however, let us be wary of “money truth” and spend our time and money on gathering “heart truth.”  

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