Monday, January 27, 2014



Henry, who was three years old at the time, was asked what it was like to go to Lego Land.  He looked up and said, “It was an awesome good time, and I was awesome!”
Everyone should feel about themselves the way Henry feels about himself.  When he walks in a room, he throws up his arms and jumps and smiles and laughs and spins in circles and stoops down and then springs up in the air - and dances.  It is like he is announcing, with his body, “Here I am, I am Henry, and I am the happy to be me and be alive and I am amazing and cool and awesome, and so are you!- so let’s live and love life together.”  One time he was hiding behind a towel and I told him to show me his beautiful face.  He pulled the towel away and said, “I have the most beautiful face in the whole world.  Jesus is good.”  He then proceeded to sing a song about Jesus as he ran out of the room.  I believe Jesus would love it if we could remember what Henry knows - that we are awesome and beautiful.

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